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What is Lake Central Volleyball Club?

Lake Central Volleyball Club, formerly Willmar JO Volleyball, was started to provide athletes the opportunity to improve their volleyball skills in the off season. It provides an opportunity for the young player (5th-6th grade) to be introduced to the sport before she can play it in school. It also provides an opportunity for the older to get ball touches in in the off season, promote growth and skill development, play with different teammates, and experience different coaching styles and techniques. We are a local club administered through the North Country Region Volleyball [], which is affiliated with USA Volleyball. Our desire is to provide a great experience for your girls at an affordable cost.

Who can play?

Any girl in 6th-12th grade can tryout. Some 5th graders may be permitted to play on the 12U team if there are spaces available.

2025 Tryouts

Sunday November 17

Team Tryouts

12 and under 1:00 pm

13/14  2:00 pm

15/16  3:00 pm

17/18 4:00 pm

Lakeland Elementary gym in Willmar

must be registered to tryout

Alysa Bergstrom

Club Director